Translation of YourMoneyGuard
Do you like YourMoneyGuard and want to use it in your language? If you want to cooperate in the translation of YourMoneyGuard, please send us an e-mail to for the details. We give you a YourMoneyGuard lifetime license key for a new language.
Before you start the translation, please always contact us, because it is possible that there is already a translation for your language or somebody is already working on it.
How to translate
Go to "Help menu - Translator's Tools - Open Language Folder" in the program.
Open English.txt language file with a text editor (e.g. Notepad++, Windows Notepad...).
Save as a new file (e.g. French.txt).
Translate all the English words/sentences between "quotation marks".
Set the new language in Preferences dialog box.
Go to "Help menu - Translator's Tools - Check language file" for checking the file data structure.
After saving the file go to "Help menu - Translator's Tools - Reload".
Note to translate
try to translate briefly
use the latest language file version
comment rows (lines start with ;): translation is not required
make sure that every row contains two quotation marks (e.g. 0445 "Overspending") and don't change the id numbers in the language file