YourMoneyGuard Release notes
Version 2.12
Apr 3rd, 2018
recurring transaction improvements: monthly patterns, weekday/weekend parameters
new calendar theme added (Calendar preferences)
Font size can be changed in Calendar (Calendar preferences)
show statistic in transaction list dialogues
language file history added into English file
small improvements and fixes
Version 2.11
Nov 10th, 2016
transfer transactions can be filtered out in Search window (Hide transfers function)
add +/- 5% option to Amount filter in Search window
add Total incomes, Total expenses and Transactions columns to Account and Payee lists
add Vietnamese language - thanks to Nguyen Dang
add Polish language - thanks to Maciej Sieminski (added on Dec 22nd)
small improvements and fixes
Version 2.10
Apr 28th, 2016
add "Show only summarized payees" function in Main Calendar [F12]
add "List of transactions" button on Accounts, Payees window
Transaction and Event duplication with specified Date
imported transactions can be set as Void (turned off) automatically
small fixes
Version 2.9
Nov 2nd, 2015
Monthly limit notifications
Windows 10 compatibility
add Turkish language - thanks to Atalay Tan
Account and Payee searching
listing transactions, events with same payee and description from transaction list context menu
correcting January 2016 calendar bug using Windows 10
correcting event duplication bug
Account and Payee exporting
Version 2.8
Sept 14th, 2015
payees can be imported from CSV and QIF files
add payee parameter to reporting
attachment and link searching
dynamic search can be switched off in Preferences
new "Save and add another" button in Transactions, Events, Accounts, Payees windows
further small improvements and fixes
Version 2.7
May 26th, 2015
payee management
documents can be attached to transactions, events, accounts and payees
hyperlinks can be added to transactions and events
void transactions
transactions can be hidden in Main calendar individually
Enter and Tab key can be used in Notes
new icon set and user interface improvements
small fixes
Version 2.6
March 16th, 2015
save anonymous file for support without sharing confidential information
category localization
add new [+] button on main calendar to add new transaction
transaction duplication functions
events can be exported in search window
in monthly charts the account can be changed directly
open calculator pressing +,-,*,/ key in numeric input fields
autocomplete function can be switched off
small improvements and fixes
Version 2.5
Jan 6th, 2015
add Event exporting function into CSV/TXT format
add Portuguese language files - thanks to Rogerio Dias and Jaris Gomes
add Day as interval to Running Balance Reporting
sorting Categories and Accounts into alphabetical order
new "Save and add another" button in Quick transaction and Event dialog boxes
"Listing transactions" Context menu in Account and Categories windows
Convert Simple transactions to Recurring transactions from Transaction list context menu
improve searching functions
add small improvements and fixes
Version 2.4
Oct 24th, 2014
flexible cell size in Main calendar to show all of the transactions and events
show transaction names as groups in Statistics view
add "Show only summarized categories" function in Main Calendar [F12]
add "Numeric format settings" window for importing transactions (Decimal separator, Thousand separator, Date format, Removed characters from fields can be changed now)
add Keyboard shortcuts for main functions
add calculator to System Tray menu
add Initial and Ending Balance to Main calendar view
add "Dynamic search results on keystroke" function
monthly charts can be accessed from Toolbar
add single/recurrence parameter in Searching window
windows size can be reduced by pressing [Alt + "-"] button
show Previous month/Next month in Main calendar view pressing [ALT+LEFT KEY] / [ALT+RIGHT KEY]
show summarized statistic info of the selected transactions in transaction lists
Version 2.3
Sept 15th, 2014
new function: "Add new Event" compact dialog box, can be opened from the Calendar context menu or pressing [Alt + Left Click] on the Main Calendar
program can be closed to Windows System Tray
new System Tray functions: Add new transaction, Add new event compact dialog box
opening from System Tray can be password protected - see Preferences
program can be started as minimized/background - see Preferences
Tab headers show the number of transactions/events in its lists (Search, Categories, Daily Transactions windows)
run the program only one instance restriction
Version 2.2
Aug 11th, 2014
new function: Category and Account create during Transaction editing in Daily Transactions and Searching windows
remember the last displayed accounts after restarting
auto generate charts after changing controls
Search window: add more predefined date settings (Until today/yesterday, Two/three weeks ago, Two/three months ago)
show the number of events in selected event category in Category window
a lot of small improvements and fixes
Version 2.1
Apr 22nd, 2014
new transaction type added: Transfer transactions
improve Main calendar functions
show Running balance or Daily balance in Main calendar - see Preferences
The First day of the week can be changed – see Preferences
Weekdays highlighted in main Calendar
using grayscale for the calendar elements are not in the current month
using red color for expired remindered transaction names
"Add new Transaction" compact dialog box can be opened pressing [Ctrl + Left Click] on the Main calendar
new function: convert Recurring transaction to Single transactions
new button for show transaction list in Recurrence transactions window
Remove duplicates function in Import transaction window
show the number of transactions in selected income/expense category in Category window
add "Copy chart to clipboard" function
using UTF-8 character encoding as default in controllers
further small improvements and fixes
Version 2.0
Nov 7th, 2013
add Reminder function to transaction parameters
show Reminder notification on startup if necessary - see Preferences
new Event management function, parameters: Subject, Event category, Date/Time, Priority, Where, Note
extending Searching functions for Events
new chart added: Monthly limits - spending chart
new layout
add Calendar printing function
add new icons for Recurring transactions in Main calendar
Version 1.9
Aug 19th, 2013
charts in Reporting view can be stretched horizontally (+/- buttons)
new <- and -> buttons on Main calendar title to skip month
add Recent file list in Main menu - File
focused text controls after checked it's checkboxes in Search window
new Export all transaction button in Export window
save statistics table to image (right click on Title)
remove "Save windows size on exit" checkbox in Preferences dialog box (windows are always saved automatically now)
add French language - thanks to Jeremy Joine
further small improvements and fixes
Version 1.8
March 14th, 2013
add month-to-date (MTD) function in Trend chart
tables in calculators can be exported to CSV file
larger charts: hide legend in trend charts if only one category is displayed
add Language translation tools: Check language file, Open language folder, Reload language file (see Main menu - Help - Translation Tools)
fix: handling changed USB pendrive letter issue for correct auto load document function
Version 1.7
Feb 18th, 2013
Reporting intervals can be changed on charts
new month-to-date (MTD) function in monthly charts
flexible date format for transaction importing
add Previous/Next day button in Daily transactions window
add predefined date settings in Search window (current/previous month/week, month-to-date...)
last settings can be loaded in Search and Import windows
Main calendar can be exported as image
remember/save all of the window size
further small improvements and fixes
Version 1.6
Aug 6th, 2012
allow multiple selection and transaction editing in Daily transactions, Imported transactions and Searching windows
adding new transaction with the new "Auto filling" function can be much faster
new function: "Add new transaction" compact dialog box (can be access from the Main calendar context menu)
new function: Transactions can be edited in Search window now
calculated data in calculators can be exported to CSV table
transaction information in Statistics view can be exported to CSV file
add Show/hide transaction details button in Imported transactions window
show intervals on charts
Document summary (Main menu - File)
fix: remove unnecessary Saving notification panel on exit
several bug fixes and minor improvements
Version 1.5
May 7th, 2012
new compact charts: Incomes, Expenses, Balance, Running balance, Statistics in Main calendar view
monthly limits can be changed also in Statistics view directly
Retirement Calculator with exporting data and charts functions added
new Previous, Next and Current month button in monthly charts
new Delete monthly limit button in Limit window
Main toolbar and Options panel can be hidden (see Main menu - View)
windows layout changes
fix open last used document error if saved document cannot be access
fix month-year information in Running balance chart title
a lot of minor changes and fixes
Version 1.4
Apr 2nd, 2012
new chart: Running balance in Main calendar view
transactions can be exported from Search window into CSV and QIF format
encoding type of the exported data can be changed
charts can be exported as image
fix: no running balance calculation if there is a transaction without selected account
portable version available
minor changes
Version 1.3.1
Mar 12th, 2012
add Spanish translation - Thanks to Jaime Finkelstein
some minor changes
Version 1.3
Mar 3rd, 2012
add transaction searching
add Loan and Mortgage calculator
add language file support and new German and Hungarian languages
fixed some minor bugs
Version 1.2
Jan 31st, 2012
first public version
add undo/redo function
password protection
lot of fixes
Version 1.1
Nov 29th, 2011
add Backup function
add Savings and Future value calculators
new function: import/export transactions into CSV, QIF format
monthly limit and budget system
Version 1.0
Nov 2nd, 2011
first release
code optimizing and rewriting modules
lot of fixes